Aerial Photos

Messer Construction arranged to have 36 aerial photos taken during Peterloon on Saturday, Oct. 16, 2010 as part of their support of our event.  We thank them for their generous gift of this unique visual reminder to all who attended Peterloon 2010.

If you want to view or download a PDF file (~15MB)  containing all 36 photos in crisp full page formats with major features identified in labels on the photographs, you can click on the black title box below.

Full Photo Set (PDF ~15 MB)

If you would like to view selected photographs one at a time, we've singled out the following set of 23 of these photos for you to look at one-at-a-time on our web site.  Click on any thumbnail photo below to view an enlarged version.
Can you find your tent
and your favorite events?

(click on any picture to see an enlarged copy)

South end of
entire Camporee

(bottom left to top right)
Sub-Camps, Admin HQ
Midway, & Action Center

North end of
entire Camporee

(bottom left to top right)
Action Center, Midway,
Admin HQ, Sub-Camps

Action Center 
Midway, & HQ

Midway & HQ

Midweay & HQ

Sub-Camps 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
looking south in sequence
from bottom to top

(you can easily see the
Conservancy Buffer Zone
300 feet alongside the River)

Same Area
but looking back
to the north

Sub-Camps 1&2

(looking west)

Sub-Camps 1&2


(looking west)

Sub-Camps 1&2

(looking east)

Sub-Camps 1&2


(looking east)

Sub-Camp 3

(looking west)

Sub-Camp 3


(looking west)

Sub-Camp 3

(looking east)

Sub-Camp 3


(looking east)

Sub-Camp 4

(looking west)

Sub-Camp 4


(looking west)

Sub-Camp 4

(looking east)

Sub-Camp 4


(looking east)

Sub-Camp 5

(looking west)

Sub-Camp 5


(looking west)

Sub-Camp 5

(looking east)

Sub-Camp 5


(looking east)


This page was last updated October 21, 2010.

This is the official web site of Peterloon 2010
in the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America.
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