Check In on Friday


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Before your troop departs for Peterloon from your home community, finalize your Unit Roster for check-in, load all gear into cargo hauling vehicles, and load Scouts into passenger vehicles.

Vehicle PassesEach troop that pre-registers will be issued two vehicle passes for cargo hauling vehicles to enter your Peterloon campsite.  Only cargo hauling vehicles displaying authorized vehicle passes will be admitted into the Peterloon campsite area at Cub World.  After unloading they must be driven to the remote Peterloon parking area.  Due to new conservancy issues, there will be no parking in the camping fields this year.

Where To GoPassenger vehicles are to proceed to the designated off-site parking area (see map) for unloading.  Scouts and leaders not riding in cargo hauling vehicles will board a shuttle bus there to take you to the Peterloon campsite.

Locating your campsiteYour unit will be assigned a campsite in one of the five Sub-Camps.  You’ll receive information about your campsite by mail after you’ve registered your unit.  When you arrive, look for your Sub-Camp HQ for additional information.

Unloading Your GearTo unload cargo-hauling vehicles, go to your assigned Sub-Camp.  Every driver needs to know his or her Sub-Camp Number (1,2,3,4, or 5) in order to find your assigned camping area.  Follow the guides and signs to your Sub-Camp's location.

Check-InCheck in with Area Staff at Sub-camp HQ.  Have your completed Unit Roster with you.  Peterloon staff will direct you to your campsite including indicating boundaries, latrines, water, and other details you’ll need for setting up.

Wrist Bands Your registration packet when you check-in will include colored wrist bands for each Scout attending Peterloon with you.  All Boy Scouts and Venturers will wear one color, and all Webelos will wear a different color.  In addition, those Scouts participating in the Amazing Race will receive a third color, so those Scouts will wear two different colored wrist bands.  Additional wrist band colors will be issued to those registered for the Rappelling event and others for all walk‑in youth or adults.  The wrist bands are required for admission to Peterloon and must be worn all weekend.  Replacements will not be issued.

Cargo VehiclesALL cargo vehicles must be moved to the designated parking area in the off-site remote parking area immediately after unloading.  Do not wait until later to move your vehicle. All vehicles must be out of your campsite by 9 p.m. Friday.

Here is the list of Sub-Camps and Sub-Camp Commissioners:








 Mike Ehler

859-317-0244 (m)



 Bill Wieland

513-884-2119 (m)


Ft. Hamilton

 Brian Griffin

513 608-0033 (m)



 Scott Douglass

513-459-1547 (h)


Blue Jacket

 Lee Carmichael

513 582-2017 (m)

The following map shows the camping fields layout for 2010.


Layout of Peterloon Sub-camps
(Click on the map to enlarge it)

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This page was last updated July 15, 2010.

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in the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America.
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