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All Webelos Scouts wanting to attend Peterloon must register.

There are no differences in activities or procedures for Webelos 1 vs. Webelos 2.  All Webelos Scouts will be treated the same at Peterloon.

Webelos may register in one of two ways.

  1. Webelos wanting to camp overnight must register with a Boy Scout Troop which will act as your host.  Host troops should preferably be a troop with which your Pack is already affiliated.  You can camp both Friday and Saturday nights with your host troop!

  2. Alternatively, Webelos not camping with a troop may attend for Saturday during the day only but still must register with your host troop (although at a reduced fee).  There is no need from Council's perspective to list the Saturday only adults accompanying these Webelos since these adults are being admitted for free and will not receive any free patches.  They will, however, have to sign-in and obtain a wrist band upon arrival Saturday before being allowed to enter the camporee.

Webelos Dens need to provide their own leadership to attend and should not depend on their host Scout Troop.  The Webelos Den leadership should also be responsible for making sure proper health forms are collected for their dens.

The Guide to Safe Scouting rules should be followed for sleeping arrangements.  “…no youth may stay in a tent with an adult who is not their Parent or Guardian.”

Webelos leaders and Scoutmasters are responsible for making arrangements for transportation, menu planning, and cooking.  Webelos and their leaders must arrange to have meals with the host troop or plan to provide your own meals.  They are also responsible for completing combined Peterloon registration forms for both units, which must be filed together, to include an accurate count of the number of Webelos Scouts, Boy Scouts, and adults who will be camping overnight.  This count is needed to plan adequately-sized campsites.

If you don't know a troop, attend your district's roundtables.  In the Dan Beard Council roundtables, Peterloon Chairs and Scoutmasters will be present to meet with you and help you select a host troop for Peterloon.

Check out our Webelos FAQ page on-line at http://www.peterloon.danbeard.org/Webelos-FAQ.htm for more details.


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This page was last updated July 10, 2010.

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in the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America.
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