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Peterloon is a jam boree-style encampment for Webelos, Boy Scouts, and Venturers that’s held in the Dan Beard Council every two years.
In 2008, over 5,000 Scouts and leaders from 11 councils in four states (OH, KY, IN, & MI) attended.
In 2010 all Webelos, Boy Scouts and Venturers from Councils from anywhere in the Scouting world are eligible to attend and are invited.
In years past we have had the privilege of hosting Scouts from Canada and Israel and would love to entertain more Scouts from these and other parts of the world.
Webelos who register and camp with a host troop will be able to participate in activities designed especially for them. Webelos may attend for the day only on Saturday and do not have to spend the night if they prefer not to, but they must still register (at a lower cost).
NOTE: All participants — Webelos, Boy Scouts, Venturers, adult leaders and other adults attending with them, and all volunteer staffers — must be registered to attend Peterloon. Registration closed on Sept. 15, 2010. There is no on-site registration process.
Saturday only visitors may enter to observe Peterloon but must first check-in by signing in at the entrance gate.
Only registered or checked-in people will be permitted to enter Peterloon.
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This page was last updated October 11, 2010.
is the official web site of Peterloon 2010
in the Dan Beard Council, Boy Scouts of America.
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